Welcome To Our Community

Our community enables shih tzu lovers to share their tips on grooming, feeding and basic care. Basically, anything to help one another. Feel free to share cute photos of your Shih Tzu as well. Partake in our community competitions and lots more. Click here to view this post on Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale.

People Voted Shih Tzus As Great Companions/Therapy Dogs


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Scroll to the bottom of this page to fill out the membership application form. If you are accepted. You can return here and create your account.

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I woke up this morning and I noticed my little Bubu came and slept by my bed. I think she had a nightmare and needed some company. She is so needy it’s cute lol


Aaawww so adorable


My dog does this too, One morning I woke up and he was just staring at me. Made me wonder for how long he just layed there. Shih Tzus are really thee best

Julie Morgan:

Her toy has matching outfits, how adorable.

Rose The Shih Tzu Mom:

I’m very certain this little girl is so spoilt, see how peaceful she is.

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Cutest Dog Of The Month

Our community voted this little angel as the cutest puppy of the month. Community members also sent her gifts such as chew toys, treats and puppy clothes. You can seee some of her toys with her in the photo above.

What Makes Our Community Fun?

  • Interact with other community members in your local area for play dates with your dogs.
  • Want a new shih tzu puppy? Maybe a community member has a new litter. Ask if you can get one.
  • We exchange gifts and celebrate various holidays. Contact us to get more information.
  • We look out for each other! If in an unfortunate event your dog has a health emergency which you cannot afford. We all chip in something to help. This is not mandatory. However, our community is full of kind-hearted people who understand the importance of solidarity.
  • Need someone to look after your dog while you are away? Ask a community member for help.
  • We follow safety guidelines and rules.
  • We have law enforcement agents such as a deputy, as well as vets in our community. Who all act as consultants.

Requirements To Join Our Community

  • You must own a shih tzu dog.
  • Your application must be approved by at least 30 community members.
  • To ensure that our community remains a safe space. We always do a background check on new applicants.

Note: We reserve the rights to decline any applicant or ban a community member at any point.
If they go against community guidelines and rules. We do not permit nudity, racism, bullying, and obscene language or images. Keeping our community safe is a joint effort.

Learn More About Us.


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We Celebrate Holidays

When you buy a Shih Tzu puppy from us. You automatically get a 50% chance of being part of our community. Click here or on the button to visit the available puppies page and fill out the form.


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