Do Shih Tzu Dogs Have Separation Anxiety?

Do Shih Tzu Dogs Have Separation Anxiety?

Separation anxiety is a common behavioral issue in dogs, and certain breeds, such as Shih Tzus, are more prone to experiencing this condition. Shih Tzus are affectionate, loyal, and often form strong bonds with their owners. In this blog post, we will explore the...
Are Shih Tzu Dogs Smart?

Are Shih Tzu Dogs Smart?

Yes, Shih Tzu dogs are smart. They are easy to train and not only are they smart but also make wonderful companions. Just because they are smart does not mean any dog you buy will automatically have an outstanding personality. They require training. So buying a shih...
Top 10 Mistakes New Dog Owners Make

Top 10 Mistakes New Dog Owners Make

Buying a new puppy is usually a beautiful experience. As a Shih Tzu breeder, I have spoken to so many people who wanted to buy a new puppy. It is usually very easy to tell who will make the most common mistakes first-time dog owners make and those who won’t....
Best Immune Boosting Foods For Your Dog

Best Immune Boosting Foods For Your Dog

Ensuring that your dog has excellent health is highly determined by how well you take care of your dog. Ensuring that your dog gets the right vitamins and nutrients is essential to your dog’s health. Feeding your dog with the right food can not only ensure that...
3 Simple Steps To Groom Your Shih Tzu At Home

3 Simple Steps To Groom Your Shih Tzu At Home

Are you a Shih Tzu owner or do you own a dog? Some people prefer taking their dogs to a professional dog groomer. Others enjoy doing all the work by themselves as it usually is a fun and bonding experience between the dog and its owner. So, we will analyze the 3...